Category Archives: Needlework

WIP #1 – Midnight Croon

Midnight Croon

Midnight Croon as of 10 Jul 2013

This piece is a beginner’s painted canvas kit from Dimensions. I’ve completed very little of the piece, but have been working on it a little at a time to try to complete it.
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Until next time…

Tennessee Molasses

Tennessee Molasses

Tennessee Molasses

This is a piece that I found in CountryStitch Magazine many years ago. The picture was one that reminded me of the stories that I’ve been told of farm life in the old days. The piece is actually designed by Sheryl Pitman and stitched on Aida. It was entered in the county fair and placed 1st.
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Until next time…

Cowboy Sunset

Cowboy Sunset #1

Cowboy Sunset #1

Cowboy Sunset #2

Cowboy Sunset #2

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Until next time…